Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So I failed in the objective of finding internet, which means again you have no pictures. I had an AMAZING day thought!

I woke up kind of late and decided that instead of the bike tour I'd thought about doing, I would do this free walking tour. So I went trotting down to the Tube station (I have discovered A Route which I take, meaning I don't get lost! I have the feeling it's a MUCH longer route than I need to take, but I KNOW IT, so it stays) and went over to Hyde park to meet the group. It was a tour of Royal London, so we went and saw Buckingham Palace (sans the guards with the funny hats; I was so upset I think I'll have to go back tomorrow when they ARE there) and many other places which I can't think of right now, but which are very carefully documented in the pictures you will get as soon as I find internet which is not TOTAL CRAP. And I met two lovely girls from Nova Scotia! They are also on a European Adventure, although there's is actually European unlike mine, which is really more of a British Adventure.

We had a lovely lunch, and then I marched off to find my way to my evenings entertainment, a reading by the fabulous Sarah Rees Brennan followed by a showing of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which is one of my favorite movies. Up to this point, I had only gotten lost in London one time for about 40 minutes, so I thought 'THIS WILL BE NO PROBLEM!' ...I was wrong. BUT! I decided not to be a stubborn ass about it and hailed a taxi (Hailed! A taxi!) and he got me there no problem.

I've been to readings before, and enjoyed them, but this was something else. For one thing, I am pretty much completely in awe of Sarah, and she was just as amazing in person! If not MORE SO. I thought I might pee a little, she was so funny. And I met two more amazing girls! They were from Cambridge, and had lots of wonderful tips about touristy things that I should make sure not to miss, and things that were okay passing by. Also, they gave me sneaky tips for how to get in to the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, which I am not supposed to be able to do. Given my success in Paris, I don't think I'll have a problem, but you never know.

And now I am returned to the hostel! Where the internet still sucks, but at least I have several books to read.

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